A number of mathematical entities are named Hermitian, after the mathematician Charles Hermite:
- Hermitian adjoint
- Hermitian connection, the unique connection on a Hermitian manifold that satisfies specific conditions
- Hermitian form, a specific sesquilinear form
- Hermitian function, a complex function whose complex conjugate is equal to the original function with the variable changed in sign
- Hermitian hat wavelet, a low-oscillation, complex-valued wavelet
- Hermitian manifold/structure
- Hermitian metric, is a smoothly varying positive-definite Hermitian form on each fiber of a complex vector bundle
- Hermitian matrix, a square matrix with complex entries that is equal to its own conjugate transpose
- Hermitian operator, bounded symmetric operators
- Hermitian polynomials, a classical orthogonal polynomial sequence that arise in probability
- Hermitian symmetric space, a Kähler manifold which, as a Riemannian manifold, is a Riemannian symmetric space
- Hermitian transpose, the transpose of a matrix and with the complex conjugate of each entry
- Hermitian variety, a generalisation of quadrics
- Hermitian wavelet, a family of continuous wavelets
See also